Melissa Zinna, Teacher

Melissa Zinna is currently a Full Time Elementary teacher, mom of 3, and forever a yogi. Melissa has been teaching yoga for over a decade to both adults and children.

Melissa loves yoga because it teaches her to live life from the inside out. After years of dance training, she was looking for something that gave her that same powerful form of expression. Melissa wasn’t expecting much when a friend asked her to go to her first hot power yoga class, but she decided to give it a try. Walking out of the studio that day Melissa was dripping with sweat and beaming with a smile full of fulfillment. She knew she needed this to become a daily practice in her life. From there she began practicing yoga 4-6 times a week. Soon after in 2013 Melissa completed her 200 hour teacher training at Power Yoga Works in Philadelphia. She continues to be awestruck by yoga’s power to heal, strengthen and detoxify her from the inside out. Melissa looks forward to guiding you along your own yoga journey, one deep breath & posture at a time.